The Environment of People Foundation (EOPF), established in 2000, is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization that strives to ensure that music and the arts remain a central part of our children’s lives and growth. Through active community participation, it is our mission to generate significant recognition and awareness of the power of music and the arts to nurture and heal. To underwrite our efforts and reinforce our goals, the EOPF presents ongoing fundraising initiatives that support programs and activities benefiting children through music and the arts. We are dedicated to raising support for other organizations that share our philosophy and objectives.
21200 Oxnard Street #6682
Woodland Hills, CA 91365-6682
805.475.EOPF (3673) Phone
818.854.6210 Fax
[email protected]

Want to Volunteer
Environment of People Foundation is a 501-(c)(3) non-profit organization.